On October 28, Tracktwo and partners organised a one-day workshop in Beijing to support sharing of good practices, tools and lessons learned regarding corporate responsibility in the era of the UN Guiding Principles. Chinese state-owned and private enterprises attended the workshop, as well as multinational companies operating in China but headquartered outside the country. Representatives of Global Compact Network China, Peking University International Law Institute, Guanghua School of Management, Global Business Initiative on Human Rights, Institute for Human Rights and Business and Tracktwo gave opening remarks and presentations. Speakers also included representatives from China Minmetals Corporation, CITIC Construction, CPI Yunnan, General Electric Company (GE), Hitachi, H&M, Huawei, Motorola Mobility, Nestlé and Sinosteel Corporation, who shared experiences from diverse industry sectors and geographies. The workshop comprised a welcome and orientation session, a morning session on social license and the evolution of business and human rights principles, and an afternoon session focused on approaches to assessing and managing diverse human rights impacts related to workplace, supply chain, community and customers.